Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why do some people have lighter-coloured semi-circles at the base of their nail beds and others not?

That semi-circle is called your lunula, because of its crescent moon shape. It is actually the newest part of your nail that is growing outwards, which is why it is a lighter shade. For some people, it is simply longer than others, though it is visible for most on the thumb or big toe. For some, the lunula may be entirely hidden underneath your cuticle. This does not mean your fingernails necessarily grow slower, just different.

If you can see your lunula, though, it can be an interesting indicator of your health. If one changes colour or form drastic lines (small lines are normal as one ages), it could be an indicator of disease, and a sign to see the doctor.Why do some people have lighter-coloured semi-circles at the base of their nail beds and others not?
i think it is on every1 but on some peeps the skin is covoring it and on some peeps it isnt (but they r called half moons)

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