Thursday, January 21, 2010

My dog injured what looks like to be his nail bed, it seems to be trying to fall off, unsure of what to do..?

I know the first thing out of most people's mouth is ';take him to the vet';, but isn't there another option a home remedy?, Yesterday we were outside playing and he chased his ball came back to me and seemed to be limping, after laying him down I inspected the situation and he seemed to be okay except for a little scruff on the nail bed. Then today he must have hit something that ripped more on the toe nail and he is bleeding, not bad, and limping. I would much prefer to steer away from the vet if at all possible. I financially can't do it, if this is severely causing him pain I can borrow money from a good friend, but that is my last resort. Can anyone give me a nursing how to so I can take care of this at home.? Right now he is asleep and is not reacting as if he feels anything, but he is limping and licking and slight blood. Thanks a bunch!My dog injured what looks like to be his nail bed, it seems to be trying to fall off, unsure of what to do..?
Having had a broken toenail myself, I know that it is quite painful until the loose part is cut off, because the loose nail keeps moving and bumping on things, and every time it does it HURTS! Once the broken nail was removed, I was no longer in pain (it did grow back).

Please take him in to the vet and have this taken care of.My dog injured what looks like to be his nail bed, it seems to be trying to fall off, unsure of what to do..?
You really should NOT ask total strangers for medical advice. We are not vets or medical experts. I'm sure that it doesn't feel good. How would your fingernail feel if you ripped the nail off? Would you just leave it, of course NOT! Borrow the money from your friend and get the poor dog to the vet's. Emergency vets are open today.
put some antibiotic ointment on it twice a day and keep it clean it cool to treat it just like a human wound. it worked for my dog. but if it turns yellow or forms a yellow scab it needs to go to the vet because its infected.

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