Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mother in law bad case off nail fungus stayed 3 months.With what can I clean the room and bed?

What cleaner can I use ? Mother in law bad case off nail fungus stayed 3 months.With what can I clean the room and bed?
The vast majority of fungal nail infections would not be easily transmittable to another person without frequent direct contact. Washing the bed linens with a normal detergent should suffice. If you want to take an extra step be sure to wipe down the surfaces with a disinfectant. You shouldn't have a problem. Mother in law bad case off nail fungus stayed 3 months.With what can I clean the room and bed?
Ergh! You're in a bit of a pickle!

I'm not aware of any antifungal agents per se that you could use but I would wash all bedding with a bit of bleach added. The bleach should deal with any fungus left behind.

If you're worried about the walls (fungal spores can spread but, unless it's damp and moist where you live, the chances are it wouldn't be an issue), add some bleach to some sugar soap or other such wall cleaner and wipe them down.
Defumigate the entire house with help of Pest control Company.

This will clear infection totally

Preferably, if you can afford, throw away the bed cover, pillow cover, used by her.

It is not clear how she got this infection.

If source is your own surroundings, clear plants in your garden,balcony, plants inside rooms, if kept for decoration

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