Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why can an indian fakir lie on a bed of nails without injuring himself?

It takes pressure to pierce the skin. Pressure = pounds of force per square inch. If you take one nail and push it into someone, it pierces the skin rather easily, because all the force is concentrated in the small area of the nail point. If you take the same amount of force and try to push 100 nails into someone, the force is distributed among all the nails, so each nail exerts a small amount of pressure. Hence, no piercing.Why can an indian fakir lie on a bed of nails without injuring himself?
If you went out on thin ice standing up in one spot, you would much more easily fall through as opposed to lying flat on the ice, thereby spreading your weight over a greater surface area. Same principle. If the fakir was lying on one nail, he'd be nailed. But hundreds of nails: not a problem. YOU could do it!

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