Friday, May 14, 2010

I had my big toe nails removed at 12 by the beds wich means I have rough, dry, ugly looking skin there?

and at the time didn't bother me for a few years. I'm 24 this year and there is nothing worse than having awful toes in sandles. I am also tall ( 5ft 10 ) so find it difficult to find anything that looks nice?? I have tried painting them and the nail varnish soaks in, and glue on ones make them sore!!! Anyone have any useful suggestions, that I haven't tried or is there no hope.I had my big toe nails removed at 12 by the beds wich means I have rough, dry, ugly looking skin there?
You should write in to chat magazine (or that's life!) They recommend products and send them you for free......worth a shot.I had my big toe nails removed at 12 by the beds wich means I have rough, dry, ugly looking skin there?

Given that nail varnish soaks in, have you thought of using a bright red acrylic (artist's) paint on the nail beds, and helping it to dry with a hair dryer? Maybe after that, cover the dry acrylic paint with a clear nail varnish to make it all durable.

Best wishes, Belliger
Maybe you should have someone do them for you with the jels or fiberglass nails. I think that might work for you.

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