Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stubbed toe and ripped toe nail - bleeding under nail bed. How do I treat it?

Panicked. I don't want an infection. There's still a lot of nail there that I'm nervous to cut off... It just happened and I wrapped a thick paper towel around it. I'm a serious ninny with my own blood. I get panicky and scared and woozy and stuff............ What the heck am I supposed to do???!?!??!?!Stubbed toe and ripped toe nail - bleeding under nail bed. How do I treat it?
aw its ok!

just keep applying pressure to it. does it hurt? take a pain killer maybe

if its bad enough just go to a little clinic, like where i live a have a little walk in clinic.

dont panic ok?

your body will heal itself =)Stubbed toe and ripped toe nail - bleeding under nail bed. How do I treat it?
The best thing you can do is trim the toenail as much as you can so it doesn't get caught on anything. Then you can put a fingertip band-aid or regular one as close to the tip as possible. It usually will stop bleeding pretty quick as long as it doesn't get caught on something else.

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