Sure it would; the bed of nails trick is simple and not really that dangerous, because the nails are spaced close enough together that you can distribute your body weight across them without fear -- if you have a bed of 300 nails and you weigh 150 pounds, then each nail only supports a half pound of your weight (it's a little more complex than that, but you get my meaning) However, suspending yourself on one nail is physically impossible; if you consider the surface area at the tip of a nail (let's say, for mathematical simplicity, that it's 1/100th of a square inch in area), your 150 pounds will press down on that nail with 15,000 psi, and you'll impale yourself with it.As impressive it is to see someone lay on a bed of nails, would it be more impressive if they laid on one nail
Yes, I've actually seen it being done in a street bazaar in Madras.
The nail was a single, vicious-looking spike about 9'; long. The fakir cleverly pretended it had mortally pierced his aorta, bled to death, and was cremated shortly afterwards, to scattered applause from the crowd.
When I left, they were still waiting for him to come back.
Eat your heart out, David Copperfield...oh, wait, you've already done that. Probably.As impressive it is to see someone lay on a bed of nails, would it be more impressive if they laid on one nail
I'd be even more impressed if they actually laid a nail.
That would be worth seeing.'ve got a point there!
I want to see someone really brave go to the shooting gallery down the block and lay on a bed of used needles.
You should stop joking about nails. Christ was nailed to the cross and you shouldn't talk like that.
absolutley. The more nails the easier it is because it distributes the weight evenly to all of the nails, thus no punture. One nail... well, that's a sure trip to a tetnis shot.
try it yourself and tell me
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