Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My finger got caught in the door nail bed damaged, how long will it take to heal and how to prevent infection?

I got my finger caught in a heavy door, when i got it the skin of my cuticle was broken and the emergency woorker that bandaged my finger said that i was probaly gonna lose the entire nail. This just happened today, i put peroxide and neosporin on it and then bandaged it with guaze and a band-aid. What else can i do to prevent it from getting infected and how long will it take to heal?My finger got caught in the door nail bed damaged, how long will it take to heal and how to prevent infection?
To prevent it from being infected, keep it clean, put antiseptics on it and bandage it. Fingernails require 3 to 6 months to regrow completely... they grow about 0.1 millimeter a day, Toenails require 12 to 18 months. Actual growth rate is dependent upon age, gender, season.

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