Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My dogs claw has been knocked to the side, hanging on at the nail bed and its bleeding what do i do?

My dogs claw is hanging off bleeding what do i do?My dogs claw has been knocked to the side, hanging on at the nail bed and its bleeding what do i do?
You take an injured animal to the vet, this is not rocket science.My dogs claw has been knocked to the side, hanging on at the nail bed and its bleeding what do i do?
Why do people just give stupid comments instead of helping you?????? My dog did this, bathe it in salt water, wrap it up with the nail as comfortable as possible if you cant cut it off. It will be pretty painful for you dog, as it is in humans when they damage a nail, but if its not any better by Monday take it to your Vet. Keep it clean as well. Good luck.
is it his nail or finger so to speak, if its nail this happen to mine last summer, vet had to put nail out and it took a few months to heal. was grand just couldnt make him chase is ball incase he made it bleed, but was fine running bout himself. so vet nail off, and thats it. goodluck
I work at a vet clinic, and i can say this much sounds like you need to go to the vet - they will need to at least mildly sedate your dog if not put him under anesthesia to repair it. Be prepared to shell out some cash.
Call your vet. If yours is closed call the emergency vet in your area. Explain what is going on. They'll tell you how to handle it. If they want you to come in, then do it.

Good luck!
If you're too weak %26amp; inept to cut it off yourself,you'll have to pay a vet,won't you?

It will NOT bleed-out.

rotflmao........vets must LOVE this site! All the squeamish %26amp; ignorant wimps screaming for medivac choppers for NOTHING keep them RICH!
wrap it up tight and then take it to a vets. they'll either cut it off or bandage it properly, it's likely to fall off in the bandage anyway
bathe it and dress it in a bandage then on monday or when the vet can c your dog take it 2 see him
Take your dog and plenty of cash to your local vet.
You, duh, go to the vet's office.
wrap it up with a bandage and then take it to the vet

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